Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Prestige

Finally ... a movie worth watching! It's been a while since I've seen one of these. I'm actually glad K fell asleep (not the movie's fault, K falls asleep during almost every movie,) because it gives me a chance to watch it again. It wasn't exactly a happy-go-lucky movie, and I can't say too much without giving it away, but I woke up the next morning still thinking about what I had seen, unable to stop thinking about it, and unable to roll over and go back to sleep because of it.

There was a disturbing aspect to it, but it was a fascinating and well-written film, well worth catching and recommending.

Made me laugh: No.
Made me cry: Not quite.
Made me think: Yes. A lot!
Watchability: I would definitely watch this one again, especially knowing what I know now.
1-10 rating: 8.5